The book by Frank Albrecht (published by Via Nova Verlag in 2016 in Germany) explains new paradigms for holistic medicine. It will be available in English by the end of 2024.
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With his book Life Processes, natural healing expert and spiritual teacher Frank Albrecht opens up a whole new dimension of health that goes far beyond our usual understanding. These universal laws of life not only explain the reversal of the ageing process and the causes of illness in detail, but can also lead us back to unity with the source of being.
All life is matter, energy and spirit, and so holistic medicine must also take each of these three factors into account. There are therefore exactly three different causal disease factors that apply to all diseases of civilization as well as the ageing process, and these are always interlinked:
the physical level, which is expressed in the biochemistry of the body. Above all, the human bio-terrain must not be over-acidified (all diseases of civilization only arise in an over-acidified biological terrain).
the energetic level. This refers to the organizing life energy (called “Qi” in China and “Prana” in India), which controls all cellular processes.
the spiritual level, which is often burdened by traumas or karma from previous lives.
The book “Lebensprozesse – die universellen Gesetze der Gesundheit und Langlebigkeit” was published in December 2015 by Via Nova Verlag under the ISBN number 9783866163423 as a paperback.