According to the latest medical findings, cancer is a metabolic disease (triggered by metabolic disorders), i.e. the genetic factor is far less relevant than previously assumed.
In order to understand the many causes of cancer and to put together a therapy plan that takes these causes into account and ideally eliminates them (diseases can only be fully healed by addressing and eliminating the causes; then not only the disease heals, but the whole person), I have categorised the 4 main causes here. ALL of these factors must always be taken into account for a successful cancer cure.
- cancer occurs as a result of certain environmental factors. The most important are
- geopathological disturbances (water veins, fault zones, etc…)
see also the studies by Dr Hager (1931) and Freiherr von Pohl (1929) - Electromagnetic stress
An examination of the sleeping area is the first thing the cancer patient must do before he can think about further therapies. If the patient continues to sleep in a polluted place, the metabolic disorder (or the resulting symptom, the cancer) will hardly be eliminated.
- parasites are always involved as a triggering factor in cancer (see Dr Hulda Clark).
In my own investigations as a bio-resonance therapist, the intestinal fluke (Fasciolopsis buski) has always tested positive in cancer patients.
A parasite cure is therefore always necessary for cancer therapy.
- the diet (the digestive system) must be changed from acidic (anaerobic) to alkaline (aerobic).
- there are usually psychological traumas or psychological weaknesses that need to be overcome.
At first glance, these are different reasons based on different research. When looking at the life processes, the underlying laws become clear:
Cancer growth is the body’s attempt to compensate for an energetic deficit through matter. Energy and matter are interchangeable (we have known this at least since quantum research). In this case, the cells in a certain area of the body do not receive enough vital energy (QI or prana) to function normally. From a cell voltage of 15 mV (healthy cells have 50-60 mV), the missing energy is replaced by rampant cell growth. Conclusion: cancer growth is the body’s attempt to compensate for the lack of energy through matter, i.e. it is the body’s attempt to heal itself. This law of nature can be expressed as a formula:
E- = m+
(the energetic potential of the tumour material is identical to the energetic potential of the loss of life energy suffered) – according to J. Lohkämper and P. Jentschura.
Anyone who has studied life processes knows that one must never treat the symptom, but must always treat the cause.
If the above-mentioned causes are successfully treated, the tumour will automatically recede. Surgery or chemotherapy is not necessary; on the contrary, these measures only exacerbate the causes.
For a better understanding of these relationships and to be able to draw up a treatment plan, it is advisable to study the book Life Processes in detail.