Life processes not only include a detailed understanding of regenerative and degenerative processes in the human body, but also of the processes that take place in nature and our immediate environment.
We all know that our environment needs help, but few know how to initiate the regeneration of natural systems. Again, it is important to first consider the causes of degeneration of natural systems. On the one hand, the soils are mineral-poor and contaminated with chemicals from chemical agriculture. In the human body it is the intestine which is the foundation for the health and regeneration of the human system, in nature it is the soil. Furthermore, the soil is contaminated with radioactive material and heavy metals from chem trails. All this has led to the total destruction of the microbial balance of soil throughout Europe (and most other parts of the world) (especially in the last 15 years due to the influence of Fukoshima and geo-engineering).
The effects of this dysbiosis (the overpopulation of degenerative strains in relation to regenerative ones) are clearly visible in the pollution of our food. Whereas 15 years ago only about 5-10% of the organic vegetables were contaminated with parasites, it is now estimated to be 30-70%. It is the parasites we eat that (in combination with other factors) that are a main cause of our civilization diseases. We see that we are not spared from the consequences we have done to Mother Nature.
The above-mentioned problem only deals with the material level. On the energy level, nature is heavily burdened by mobile phone radiation and wind turbines. The high frequency radiation directly weakens the etheric body of all living systems (this applies to plants, animals and humans).
On the spiritual level we must consider the effects of our actions on the elemental beings. They are the level in nature that provides balance, organization and life force. One can say that the realm of the elemental beings is the spiritual / emotional level of nature. The work of the elemental beings is directly influenced by our thoughts and emotions. A regeneration of the systems of nature is not possible without the inclusion of this level.
After this brief analysis of the causes of environmental degeneration, we should consider possible solutions based on our understanding of life processes.
On the physical level, we need to enrich the soils (not only the agricultural fields but also the forest soils) with minerals and positive microorganisms. For this, it is advisable to work with ground rock dust, as already successfully done in the 30s (before the propaganda of the chemical industry has destroyed these efforts). Furthermore, working with Effective Microorganisms and Homa farming techniques is recommended. Homa Therapy is certainly the universal solution to the regeneration of our environmental systems, as its application solves problems on physical, energetic and spiritual levels.
On an energetic level, one would have to find a way to reduce the exposure to high-frequency radiation. It will hardly be possible to abolish mobile phones in the near future, one would therefore have to work with resonance techniques to reduce the load on the level of the life energy (ether, prana). By using Homa you can also achieve a reduction in stress. Please check the online shop on this page to learn about devices that can significantly reduce the biological stress levels when exposed to radiation.
On a spiritual level, the most important thing is to turn concretely to the realm of elementals (nature intelligence) and strengthen it through earth healing measures. The daily use of the Homa fire ceremonies has very strong healing effects, even for the elemental beings. It would be helpful to establish other networks to meet regularly for earth healing.
This is only a brief outline of the possibilities of regeneration of nature through the application of life processes. For more information, please read the book Life Processes – The Universal Laws of Health and Longevity.