Excerpt from the book Lifeprocesses:
Homa Therapy
This presentation would not be complete if I did not mention the Homa fire techniques. Homa therapy is probably as old as mankind, but it has only been rediscovered on a somewhat broader basis in the last century. ‘Homa’ is the generic term for fire techniques used to purify the atmosphere. This knowledge comes from the Vedic scriptures, which are known to be the oldest writings of mankind. The main idea is: ‘Heal the atmosphere and the atmosphere heals you.’
The basic technique of Homa Therapy is ‘Agnihotra’. In Agnihotra, a fire is lit in a small inverted copper pyramid. The material used for burning is dried cow dung and ghee (clarified butter). The most important part of the ceremony is the chanting of a specific mantra, to the second at sunrise or sunset, and the sprinkling of a few grains of rice into the fire. This process unleashes a large amount of beneficial subtle energies.
I investigated the effects of Agnihotra using various methods. After performing Agnihotra daily for two months in my house, the level of life energy in the rooms doubled (it increased from 15,000 Bovis units to 30,000). I used my bioresonance device to detect the energy frequencies emitted by the pyramid during the Agnihotra fires and found that they resonate very strongly and positively on the whole frequency spectrum present! The healing power of this ceremony is unrivalled and surpasses anything else I have experienced.
What does this mean in practice? During the time I practised Agnihotra daily, my body went through a healing process towards perfect health; after a year of daily fire ceremony, the Kundalini energy finally awakened. In addition, by using Agnihotra for vegetable gardening, I have managed to grow very healthy vegetables in surprisingly large quantities (although I have never done any gardening before and have not attended any courses or studied any literature on the subject).
I believe that using this technique is one of the most (if not the most) beneficial things you can do for both your own physical and mental health, and for the regeneration of the planet as a whole. Below I have listed a few points to summarise the many positive uses and effects of Homa Therapy.
Everyone who performs Homa is making an important contribution to:
- Purifying the atmosphere, soil and water
- Reducing chemical pollution and radioactivity
- Harmonisation of body, soul and spirit
- Promotion of one’s own inner spiritual growth
- Restoring the ecological balance
- Strengthening the immune system of humans and animals and strengthening the defences of plants
- Promotion of healthy plant growth
- Reduction of plant diseases and pests
- Obtaining healthier and highly palatable food that is highly energised and easier to digest.