Seminar Life Processes

Life Processes – The universal laws of health and longevity

Life processes are a holistic, empirical science. It can simply be described as the science of life. Since all life is matter, energy and spirit, this science includes all three levels. Life processes explains the processes of regeneration and degeneration in living systems (humans, animals, plants and soils).

Life processes are natural laws. These laws can be understood by anyone who is open enough to grasp holistic connections.

Life processes are a holistic, universal healing science that recognizes that all life originates from a higher intelligence (often called God, not to be confused with the idea of an elder Lord above the clouds) and in which all life is considered sacred (whole, whole, connected to the source of all life). As a healing science, life processes are suitable for replacing the contemporary science of medicine and creating a basis for a holistic natural medicine based on researching and healing the causes of diseases and not on developing symptom-suppressing synthetic drugs, as is exclusively practiced today.

Life processes are a way of life. Based on the awareness of the sacredness of all life, the practitioner of life processes regards himself, nature, his fellow living beings and his food as sacred. By being aware of the interrelationships, he will not be able to feed on food that has harmed his environment and fellow living beings. He is part of the great family of all life. He understands that illness and ageing are only processes that occur because man has not yet sufficiently grasped and applied the sacred laws of life. He is aware that in past and future ages man did not suffer from illness and reached a much higher age because his work on a physical and spiritual level was always in harmony with the will of the sacred laws of life.

You can find the book on life processes published by Via Nova Verlag here:

Degenerative disease and accelerated ageing are two sides of the same coin. According to independent scientists, humans have the potential to live 140 years (healthy and disease-free), but unfortunately this is rarely achieved in practice. One of the main reasons for this is that the generally accepted concept of health and illness presented to us by the media, science and our healthcare system is not only unsatisfactory, but actually wrong. It is based on a scientifically incorrect paradigm and a worldview that does not integrate the energetic and spiritual levels of existence.

We need a new medical approach that is based on an understanding of the sacredness of all life and includes those non-material dimensions. Life processes – this term includes all the laws, principles and processes that are the basis of all life on earth. Life Processes explains the processes of regeneration and degeneration in living systems (humans, animals, plants and soils) and combines knowledge and insights from ancient German healing traditions, Asian healing systems and modern alternative research. Life Processes concludes that all degenerative diseases and accelerated ageing are caused on 3 different levels:

– the physical level: the biological terrain (acid-base balance)

– the energetic level: the subtle environment (geopathic and electromagnetic interference zones)

– the soul level: the karmic factor and the 7 chakras

A very, very long time ago, mankind knew no illnesses and reached an age unimaginable to us today. How did people live at that time, what natural laws did they know that made this way of life possible and which have been forgotten today? The “Life Processes” seminar attempts to answer these and many other questions.

Content of the Life Processes seminar

In the Life Processes seminar we look at all the factors of degeneration and regeneration of living beings – in other words, everything that leads us humans to become ill and to age (too quickly). The seminar is designed for practitioners of the healing professions as well as lay people.

Some of the main topics of this seminar:

Why all degenerative diseases only develop in an acidic body environment

Raw or cooked food, food combinations, fasting and detoxification

Which food supplements and when

What role do vitamins, minerals, enzymes and proteins play in the diet?

Life energy and the function of the etheric body for the regeneration of living systems

How are electromagnetic and geopathic interference fields involved in the development of disease and how can we cleanse our environment of them?

What are the causes of degenerative diseases such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes and others?

Spiritual causes of depression and mental illness in general

The chakras as a “body-soul interface” and their role in healing and health

What you need to consider during therapy

Water as the substance of life – how we can reinform and energize it

How to avoid and eliminate toxins and parasites

Recognizing the development of cancer as a lack of life energy, compensating for this lack and thus learning to initiate a healing process

What is the role of meditation and spiritual practices?

Understand in detail how a healing process works – the personal and environmental factors

How can you benefit from this seminar?

Through the study of life processes, the seminar participant is given the invaluable knowledge of why their body ages and all sorts of degenerative diseases arise during this process, how they can reverse these degenerative processes and how they can individually determine the speed of their ageing. Once the penny has dropped that every type of illness and ageing really is self-inflicted, he can take absolute personal responsibility for his health and ageing process. He is no longer a victim of our “healthcare system” with its exogenous, synthetic drugs and other dangerous procedures. The fear of illness is taken away from him.

About the instructor

Frank Albrecht grew up in Germany and lived in Ireland from 2000 to 2015. He works as a holistic researcher, wellness coach, author, feng shui and health consultant, dowser, seminar leader and holistic educator. Through spiritual and biophysical research and studies, which were accompanied by a process of inner spiritual transformation, Frank Albrecht gained deep insights into the bio-chemical, bio-physical and spiritual connections between health and illness. He passes on his knowledge in individual consultations, lectures and seminars.